Know your worth Blackwoman

Simply Horrific
2 min readOct 13, 2020

I want to talk to the Black woman for a moment. I’ve watched and paid very close attention to what you’ve been saying, and I can see your pain. Many of you are in relationships with men who mistreat or abuse you. Some of them lie or cheat on you as well.

I want to tell you here today that you do not have to accept that from anyone, that is not loving someone. You see love is an action word, and it must be proved through an individual's actions. When you’re loved you are appreciated, you are valued, you are cared for, and you are respected. No one who loves you will put their hands on you. A person who loves you considers your feelings and is always concerned with your wellbeing. This individual is always making sure that you are cared for. Have you ever experienced this? That is real love ladies.

Never settle either, trust and believe that there is always someone else who will treat you better. I don’t want you to think that just because you have a child with someone that you have some sort of unbreakable bond and you can’t leave this person because you don’t want to break up the family. You don’t have to stay anywhere that you don’t want to be. You must think more of yourself, love yourself so much that you would never allow yourself to be treated any kind of way. I want you to know that you are valued and you have to make other people value you. Demand your respect, and removed yourself from situations where you’re being disrespected.

Once you’ve felt what it’s like to be valued, respected, and loved, you will never allow anyone else to devalued, degrade, or disrespect you again. Once you know your worth, you will never settle for mediocrity again.



Simply Horrific

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